
12-strand single braid, HMPE from Avient Protective Materials

Double Esterlon

Double braid, polyester core & sleeve with enhanced fiber coating


Sling, Dyneema® SK78 core, HMPE from Avient sleeve


12-strand single braid, HMPE from Avient Protective Materials

Maxibraid Plus

Double braid, HMPE core from Avient Protective Materials, polyester sleeve

Portland Braid

Double braid, polyester core and sleeve

Sierra 78

12-strand single braid, bio-based SK78 Dyneema® fiber

Tandem Stopper Assembly

Catch off grip for Unitrex stringing lines

Ultrex Plus

Double braid, Dyneema® SK78 core and polyester jacket


Technora® Aramid

Yellow Jacket 12

12-strand single braid, bio-based HMPE SK75 Dyneema fiber

​TechEye and TechJoin

Technora® braid in a sleeved construction

Utility Catch Off

Double Braid 24 strand sleeve made from Technora® and blue polyester. 100% Vectran Core