Braided rope by Yale Cordage is known for its top-quality craftsmanship, innovative design, and steadfast dependability. When you choose one of our ten specialized double-braided rope designs, you choose state-of-the-art fibers, expertly engineered strength and elasticity specifications, and superior wear life.

Aracom Miniline

Double braid, Technora® Aramid core, polyester sleeve

Aracom T

Double braid, Technora® Aramid core, polyester sleeve


Double braid, Vectran LCP core, polyester sleeve

Double Esterlon

Double braid, polyester core & sleeve with enhanced fiber coating

Maxibraid Plus

Double braid, HMPE core from Avient Protective Materials, polyester sleeve

Mega Max

Double braid, HMPE core and jacket from Avient Protective Materials

River Max

Double braid, HMPE core and jacket from Avient Protective Materials


Double braid, nylon core, polyester sleeve

Portland Braid

Double braid, polyester core and sleeve


Double braid, Technora® Aramid core, Technora sleeve

ULS Yacht Braid

Double braid, polyester

Ultrex Plus

Double braid, Dyneema® SK78 core and polyester jacket


Double braid, nylon core and sleeve