Electric Utility

Stringing Lines / Bull Rope

Lightweight synthetic braided ropes and synthetic cable for distribution and transmission line stringing

Winch Lines

Utilizing synthetic winch ropes in replacement of wire rope for your equipment provides many benefits. With easier change-outs, improved handling, and increased ROI from reduced downtime and extended service life, you can trust Yale Cordage to provide the right rope for your needs.

Pilot Line

Paired with most all controller systems, Pilot Line quickly and safely strings pulling lines for overhead power distribution.


Yale Cordage synthetic rope slings are fit for general-purpose work, and can also be highly customizable to accommodate any-sized load or lift-point arrangement.


Handlines are an essential part of utility line work, Yale offers the best to help you complete the job quickly and safely.

Accessories and Tools

A selection of specially engineered rope tools created to work with Yale's innovative products designed for applications in the utility industry.